[1] Kim avval kim ilgari, Ouzbekistan – Maqam D’Asie Centrale, Monajat Yultchieva. Ocora Radio France, December 1994. CD booklet, page 26.
[2] “Edward Allworth: The Last of the Great Masters of Central Asian studies”, Bruce Pannier, Radio Free Liberty, October 25, 2016.
[3] “Peggy Allworth Oral History Interview, September 9, 1979 (1 of 2)”, Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries. http://scarc.library.oregonstate.edu/omeka/exhibits/show/oacvoices/item/34481
[4] “Called on Duty”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Friday, August 14, 1942, page 4.
Note: R.O.T.C. stands for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.
[5] “In Invasion Area”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Friday, July 7, 1944, page 3.
[6] Peter Sinnott’s email to author on May 23, 2017.
[7] “Allworth Gets Bronze Star”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Friday, January 26, 1945, page 3.
[8] “73 OSC Students Hit Straight ‘A’ Average”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Saturday, April 5, 1947, page 8.
[9] Clark Allworth’s email to author on December 19, 2017. The author is grateful to Robert H. Davis, Jr., Librarian for Russian, Eurasian & East European Studies, Columbia University for finding out this information via his contacts at the University of Chicago.
[10] Robert H. Davis Jr.’s email to author on September 4, 2020.
[11] “Corvallis Man Joins Faculty At Columbia as Asia Expert”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1961, page 9.
[12] For Professor Edward Allworth’s in-depth interview with Dr. Ahmet Naim Öktem, please see: “A Conversation With Ahmad Na’im Nusratullahbek, A Young Bukharan Jadid Under The Amirate”, Edward A. Allworth, pages 77–108. Reform Movements and Revolutions in Turkistan: 1900 – 1924 / Studies in Honour of Osman Khoja, Edited by Timur Kocaoglu.
[13] “New Faculty Appointments Disclosed”, Reed College Bulletin, Vol. 35, No. 10, May, 1957. https://rdc.reed.edu/v1/items/0d0d8890-1efb-4a40-8138-6756cc7a32f7/pdf.
[14] “Corvallis Man Joins Faculty At Columbia as Asia Expert”, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Tuesday, October 10, 1961, page 9.
[15] The Harriman News, February 2017. Edward A. Allworth (1920-2016), page 10.
[16] Ibrahim Sinasi, The Wedding of a Poet: A One-Act Comedy (1859), Translated from the Turkish by Edward Allworth, 1981.
[17] Mahmud KhojaBehbudiy, Padarkush (The Patricide), translated from Uzbek by Edward A. Allworth in “Murder as Metaphor in the First Central Asian Drama,” Ural-Altaischer Jahrbücher/Ural-Altaic Yearbook, volume 58, 1986.
[18] “Beybudiyni Oqlagan ‘Jasus’ ” (The ‘Spy’ Who Acquitted Behbudiy), Ortiqboy Abdullaev, Xurriyat, 12 February 1997, 6th Issue, page 2. Collection of Professor Edward A. Allworth.
[19] The Harriman News, February 2017. Edward A. Allworth (1920-2016), page 10.
[20] “Men Sizning Amerikadagi Elchingizman” (I am your Ambassador to America), May 25, 1990, Mahmud Sadiy. Publication unknown. It could be: “O’zbekiston Adabiyati va San'ati”, (Literature and Art of Uzbekistan). Collection of Professor Edward A. Allworth.
[21] “Rare Archives Donated to the New York Public Library”, The New York Public Library News Release, September 1, 1993, page 2.
[22] “Rare Archives Donated to the New York Public Library”, The New York Public Library News Release, September 1, 1993, page 1.
[23] “Remembering Edward Allworth”, Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, Eurasianet, October 27, 2016. https://eurasianet.org/remembering-edward-allworth
[24] “Acquisitions for 2000 and 2001 in the American Numismatic Society Collection”, American Journal of Numismatics, Volume 13, (2001), page 192.
[25] The Harriman News, February 2017. Edward A. Allworth (1920-2016), page 10.
[26] Professor Timur Kocaoglu also serves as the Associate Director of the Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies as well as the Turkic languages Coordinator at the College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University.
[27] Nizamuddin Mir Ali Shir Navoi (1440-1501) is a famous Turkic writer, poet, linguist, statesman, and religious figure who influenced the development of Turkic (Chagatay) literature and language.
[28] “Chaucer of the Turks”, Barry Hoberman, ARAMCO World Magazine, Vol. 36, No. 1, January-February 1985, page 27.